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This vlog is on a roll

On May 3rd, issue 13 of Cloud Connection, the Cloud Media Marketing newsletter, was sent out to all of our email subscribers.

There was quite a bit of news to talk about. First, the vlog (video blog) is on episode 11! These episodes are short, 10 minutes or less, and are full of specific tips about blogging, emarketing, social media, and all sorts of topics.

New episodes go live each Tuesday on Facebook first and then on YouTube.

If you have not subscribed to the YouTube channel, do it now! Click HERE to go to YouTube.

Next up, a few new services are rolling out and descriptions will be added to the website soon.

If you did not receive the enewsletter and would like to start receiving them in your inbox, you can sign up for the emails on the home page of this website. Click HERE to go there.

On another note, social media checkups are a great way to make sure that your privacy and security settings are set up the way you want them to be. Make sure only the people you want to see your selfies are the only ones who can see your selfies. It takes about 30 minutes from sign-on to done, and it something that we love to do. Sign up in the month of May and get a Facebook privacy and security checkup for the special price of just $10!